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You are more

than just a label

Jewish Family Forever, with the help of its top rabbinical and scientific team, works to identify and replace harmful alternative lifestyle/sexual identity ideologies with accurate Torah and scientific information. Our goal is to help every Jew, every person, discover their authentic marriage potential as Hashem (God) intended. 

A Virtual Educational Event
Hosted by Jewish Family Forever (JFF)
Featured Presenter: Dr. Koby Frances
(3rd in the series) Monday March 31st, 1-2pm, (USA, EDT), Zoom

New Hope for Growing Problem: Interventions for those who are drawn to lesbian, gay or queer identities and lifestyles

Find out more about the webinar here >>> Click HERE

Feedback on Dr. Frances Workshops

“Dr. Frances’s presentation today was so clear, concise, and deeply encouraging to participants. He gave very solid advice in a way that is easy to grasp and enjoyable to listen to. I feel any shul community or group will gain tremendously from Dr. Frances’s presentation and his answering the questions which weigh on many minds.” 

Rabbi Baruch Hertz, Rav of Chabad Community of Chicago, Dean of the Lubavitch Girls High School

"The task of family building remains the only sure method of ensuring Jewish survival”  

Rabbi Berel Wein 

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